Pushcart Prize Nominations 2022

This year’s Pushcart Prize Nominations are from our Haunted anthology, released in autumn/winter 2022.

Miles A.M. Collins-Sibley“what if a girl fell asleep & woke up a boy”

Amanda Hope“Ornithography”

Allison Wehrle “Hypnic Jerk”

Yunkyo Moon-Kim“Subsidance”

Kiyanna Hill“garden mapping”

Stephanie Heit“Elder Sister Encounter in Lake Michigan”

Congratulations to the nominees! Thank you for being part of this haunting anthology.


haunted is a special edition outside of the regular submission period & subscription. We asked for work rooted in the imagery & language of haunting, incorporating all manner of them: ghosts, people, places—things persistently present, things that occupy the mind and refuse to let go, from language to memory to specter.

[CW: mentions of/reference to loss (adults & children), death, illness, trauma.]

68 pages
limited edition of 125