Love Me, Love My Belly no. 5
Love Me, Love My Belly is a half-size zine composed of art, creative nonfiction, & poetry—an annual print zine dedicated to the acceptance of self and imperfection as beauty. It’s about the space between us, our differences, our scars, our wobbly bits, and our power as it relates to the bodies we live in.
56 pages
open edition

Additional Info
Sheila Black “Hunger”
Sarah Cook “Poem in Which You Must Check the Box That Most Accurately Describes You”
Clair Dunlap “Blue Nude (1917)
Madeline Grigg “Honestly, I’d Rather Be a Tree”
Sarah Hennessey “Self Porrtait as a Post-postmodern Coyote in Four Parts”
Naomie Jean-Pierre “a burning”
Fay L. Loomis “Stroke”
Ivy Marie “appraisal”
Meg Reynolds “Gutted”
Clara Bush Vadala “The Body is a Garden”
Michelle Aucoin Wait “Rougaroux” & “Cornflower Blue”
Holly Lyn Walrath “It’s Never Going to Stop”
Brigit Young “Mother, Now”
Our cover art for this issue is by Stacey Combs (staceofspades.com)