Love Me, Love My Belly no. 7
Love Me, Love My Belly is a half-size zine composed of art, creative nonfiction, & poetry—an annual print zine dedicated to the acceptance of self and imperfection as beauty. It’s about the space between us, our differences, our scars, our wobbly bits, and our power as it relates to the bodies we live in.
48 pages
open edition

Additional Info
Jane Ayres “I’ve Always Liked Showing My Knickers”
Dallas Atlas “Some days I forget to eat // I forget I need to eat to be alive”
Marlena Chertock “Diagnosis III” & “A Body That Still Aches”
Marie Cosme “Full”
Jennifer Cox “The Tide” & “Birth/Bird” & “Space Suit”
Alison Davis “After Much Scouring, the Cup is Still Dirty”
Katie McHugh “My Father, The Gardener”
Brandyce Ingram “Stardust Lovers” & “I Wanna Talk About My Heart”
Isabel Cristina Legarda “First Ink”
Harper Morgan “if you see me from space” & “bellerophon” & “new communion”
Tuawan Patterson “man//woman//child”
Avi Prager “Omni”
Mel Ruth “To the Girl Who Lost” & “Weight” & “It Was Always About My Body”
Claire Scott “A Poem to My Eighteen Year Old Self”
Dom Witten “Reasons I Don’t Want Children”
CWs: refs to gun violence, anxiety, medical trauma, eating disorder, body shaming, chronic pain, ptsd, body mutilation (in the context of abortion rights/lack thereof), weight loss, & birth trauma.