Bodies in Water
by P. Andrew Miller
P. Andrew Miller’s hybrid chapbook pairs a personal essay (sprinkled with lyric language and just a little shapeshifting magic) with a short story exploring the way the river’s song slowly takes over a woman’s life, and, in some ways, her family. This chapbook explores identity, memory, and obsession—you may yet look differently at the river the next time you cross one. (Porkbelly Press, 2014)
26 pages
inkjet cover
open edition

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In spring, I will feel the call of the sun and the heat and the water. In those first few days of 70 degree weather, I will give in to the call that I will hear in my heart and my blood. I will know it is spring and I will answer.
I will wait until dusk, then I will pick up my skin and make my way across the street and then walk down to where the larger creek runs under the road, pouring out and down the hill into the Great Miami. I will climb and slip down the bank to the edge of the creek…
P. Andrew Miller is coordinator of creative writing at Northern Kentucky University. His stories and poems have appeared in many different publications including Sugared Water, Dragon Magazine, Sword & Sorceress 13 and 18, The MacGuffin, Drawn to Marvel, and many others. His first chapbook, The Legacy of the Turquoise Knight, was a lyric comic released from Finishing Line Press in 2010. His short story collection In Love, In Water and Other Stories is out from Post Mortem Press. He lives in Cincinnati and collects dragons, superhero artwork, and Germans.
“No River Like Craving” (oil, 36 x 48 inches) by Angie Reed Garner. Garner is a second-generation narrative painter from Kentucky.
Transforming Harry: The Adaptation of Harry Potter in the Transmedia Age (Wayne State University Press, 2018)
In Love, In Water and Other Stories (Post Mortem Press, 2014)