Words for Worlds
This 38 page handbound booklet, edited by P. Andrew Miller, includes poems from members of the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts poetry panel, also titled Words for Worlds. (Porkbelly Press, 2015)
36 pages
inkjet cover
open edition

Additional Info
Some of the poems in this anthology are reprints and first appeared in such mags & books as: Asimov’s, Cthulhu Haiku and Other Mythos Madness, Dissections, Drawn to Marvel, Goblin Fruit, Science Fiction Poetry, Strange Horizons, and others.
Gina Wisker, Mary Turzillo, Marge Simon, Donald Riggs, P. Andrew Miller, David Lunde, Sandra Lindow, Donna Hooley, Bryan Dietrich, & Bruce Boston.
There is stardust in each of us. It yearns to return to the vastness of space, the beauty of the cosmos. We reach for the stars with telescopes and space ships, probes and transmissions. Some of us reach through science and formulas. Others with paper and poetry. We create worlds from words and use words for worlds.
Poetry has been part of the literature of the Fantastic for a very long time. After all, the first epic poems were all fantastic in nature. At the International Conference of the Fantastic in the Arts, poetry is celebrated with the Words for Worlds panels. First organized by poet Judith Kerman, the panels have hosted many current poets of the fantastic who, each year, share their visions of words and worlds. This chapbook features the poets who have been regulars at the conference and the poetry panels for many years. It is my pleasure to put this chapbook together.
If you ever have the chance to attend ICFA, please stop by the poetry panels. Until then, please enjoy our words for worlds.
P. Andrew Miller, February 2015
P. Andrew Miller is the author of the short story collection In Love, In Water and Other Stories (Post Mortem Press), as well as the lyric comic The Legacy of the Turquoise Knight (Finishing Line Press), and the prose chapbook Bodies in Water(Porkbelly Press). He has been an attending author at ICFA since the mid 90’s. He teaches at Northern Kentucky University.
The cover art is a detail of Jonathan Rountree’s painting titled “The Nursery” (24 x 18 inches, acrylic on canvas, private collection). Rountree is a Kentucky-born artist with a BFA in Studio Art (Ceramics) from Northern Kentucky University.