
Bramble & Thorn


We ask you to step into the dark forest with us, with these women and girls in poem—their sharp knives, those long fangs may protect you. Reach out—take the hand of the one beside you. Don’t worry if she seems hungry; she’s always hungry; she has her mind already made, blade sharpened to meet the wolf’s heart. (Porkbelly Press, 2017)

68 pages
inkjet cover
limited edition: 125

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burnt offering

burnt offering

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Final Girl

Final Girl

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Words for Worlds




Additional Info


Sarah Ann Winn, "Appendix Briar" & "Appendix Skin" 
Donna Vorreyer, "Feral"
Robin Turner, "I needed a spell"
Phoebe Reeves, "Part Three, Question Eight: Her Action Is Imprisoned"
Lori Propheter, "Spear Song" 
Susan Milchman, "Her Aperture"
Melissa Atkinson Mercer, "Witch at the Homestead" & "Inside the Medusa Museum #3"
Rebecca Macijeski, "Blackberries" & "Because of Wolves, Because More Than Anything"
Minadora Macheret, "Baba Yaga: Her Almost Origin Story" & "If Only a Werewolf"
Lindsay Lusby, "Trespass" & "Trade" & "Tremble" 
Sally Rosen Kindred, "Little Red: Morning" & "Sleeping Beauty Says Goodnight to Little Red"
Sonja Johanson, "Blackberries"
Alicia Hoffman, "This Haunting We Know" & "Provisions for Journey"
Jenn Givhan, "Rosa Runs Away" & "Rosa & Nieve Grow Up" & "Reverse Girlhood..."
Emily Corwin, "Tincture" & "Split Oak" & "Thirsty"
Emily Rose Cole, "How to Throw Fire: A Warning" & "Prayer"
Ava C. Cipri, "What Folks Say"
Erinn Batykefer, "Vestigial Epithalamium" 
Stacey Balkun, "Me and Apple-Child Used to Play" & "Dear Darlings"
Stephanie Bryant Anderson, "The Strange Girl Asks Politely Not to Be Called a Witch"
E. Kristin Anderson, "The Night Pressed Dark" & "At Freak-Out Point"
Cassandra de Alba, "sacrament" & "pastel ritual murder"

“What is it that waits / inside her, a nest / or a knife, a huntsman / or an open door.” ~ Sally Rosen Kindred



Some of the poems herein are reprints, previously appearing in: Faerie MagazineBlinder's JournalMadison ReviewEvery Love Story is an Apocalypse StoryLuna LunaMoonsick MagazineWatershed ReviewFourteen HillsJoys of the Table: An Anthology of Culinary VerseYemasseeFugueGlass: a Journal of PoetryKudzuHeron TreeDying Dahlia ReviewPrick of the SpindleHot Metal BridgeStar-bind in the Family of Fortune Keepers, and Gingerbread House.



Olivia Edvalson



Burnt Offering (Porkbelly Press, 2018)
Says the Forest to the Girl (Porkbelly Press, 2018) by Sally Rosen Kindred
Blackbird Whitetail Redhand (Porkbelly Press, 2018) by Lindsay Lusby



"If Only a Werewolf" reprinted in Dwarf Stars 2018 anthology edited by Deborah P. Kolodji.
“Baba Yaga: Her Almost Origin Story” (by Minadora Macheret) was nominated for a Rhysling Award.
"Little Red: Morning" (by Sally Rosen Kindred) was nominated for a Rhysling Award.

“Tincture” by Emily Corwin was nominated for a Pushcart.
“Vestigial Epithalamium” by Erinn Batykefer was nominated for a Pushcart.