Butt Stuff Flower Bush
by Sam Herschel Wein
Wein’s Butt Stuff Flower Bush is a joyous, vulnerable, fantastically gay chapbook of poems that dance through sex, relationships, trauma, healing, and hunger. It has its share of tears, and there’s joy too. Eat, want, sing, survive, flirt. (Porkbelly Press 2023)
40 pages
open edition

Additional Info
Sam Herschel Wein (he/they) is a lollygagging plum of a poet who specializes in perpetual frolicking. They have an MFA from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and were the recipient of a 2022 Pushcart Prize. They have published 2 chapbooks, are the co-founder and editor of Underblong Journal, and have had poems recently appear in American Poetry Review, The Cincinnati Review, and Gulf Coast. They can be found in the cheese aisle of most stores, in the middle of a hug, or editing poems at your local coffee shop.
Work in this chapbook first appeared in Cream City Review, Nightblock Magazine, perhappened mag, Split Lip Magazine, Sundog Lit, The Adroit Journal, and Waxwing Literary Magazine.
GESUNDHEIT! (Glass Poetry Press, 2019) - in collaboration with Chen Chen
Fruit Mansion (Split Lip Press, 2017) - out of print